Tips in Taking The Abog Oral Boards

For a lot of people, the most stressful exam that they can take is the board exams. It is such an important exam that most students will really work extremely hard just to pass it. In this article, you will be given tips on how to study and pass the abog oral boards.

Try researching for strategies for the type of test you are going to take. It may be oral or written. Whichever kind of test it is, you need to prepare for both. Try to create strategies on how you can answer tests like true or false, enumeration, multiple choice, or essays. Doing so will help you on what to expect.

The best way to study for the boards is to break your materials into smaller sections at a time. Don't cram! Cramming will only access your short term memory, which in turn can result to a lot of knowledge gap. Knowledge gap can even get worse if you're scared or nervous. The most effective way of studying is read the whole material by section, and reread it again, this time with understanding. Pure memorization only works for those who have the sharpest memories. If you think you're not one of them, then your upper hand is understanding the material.

Go to a comfortable spot where you can study without any distractions. That means you shouldn't have your TV on, or have internet connection. Similar details pertaining to this are described at Studying with a tablet or a phone is okay but only if you are going to use it to study too. Avoid studying in bed. It's too tempting to lie down and you might have the urge to sleep instead. The best place to go is where there is good lighting. The library is an example of a good place to study.

Give your head small frequent breaks. Studies show that frequent study breaks can help you retain information. If you decided to study a really long material that could not be broken down to smaller parts, you can study for an hour and take a 15 minute power nap. Taking small naps can help you boost your memory. This can help you memorize better.

While studying, try to listen to instrumental music. This calms the mind down. Added references about this are displayed in the site at

A study group can be helpful for you. But this will only be effective if the people around you are serious about studying too.

Instead of memorizing the material, focus on understanding its content. This will very well serve you, especially if the exam includes case analyses.

You are very lucky to be enrolled on an OBGYN board review course, because you get to try mock exams. If not, try to create tests for yourself whenever you can. You can also try to look for a friend who is willing to test you. Mock exams are a great way of testing the knowledge taken in by the brain. It also helps you prepare for the real test.